Saturday, January 29, 2011

“Snow Spots”

A friend of mine was blogging about things we think up to keep our kids busy this week, and it totally inspired me to share some of the crazy things we do at our house.  Many of our friends laugh and say “only at your house” when they see what we play with the kids.  I thought I’d spread them out and share some of my free,silly and fun activities.

The first one that comes to mind is “snow spots”.  It started when we were reading “The Cat in The Hat Comes Back” to our kids.  The cat, and his little cats make spots in the house, and then send them outside, where the new problem becomes snow spots all over the yard. I thought it would be fun to let the kids paint snow spots out in the snow.  We’ve been doing this regularly for years now, and they look forward to it every winter.

DSC_0021All you need is a few drops of food colouring in a squeeze or squirt or spray bottle.  I usually add warm water, so it doesn’t freeze once you’re outside.  Sometimes, I make it in big pitchers and just keep refilling the squirt bottles.

DSC_0086 Lily even liked trying it when she was about one.  I just made sure to wash the snow suits soon after they came back inside.

DSC_0077 Over the years, we’ve written our names, drawn pictures and sprayed wildly all over the yard.  The kids really like “painting” their snow forts.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing that as a kid in Yellowknife. Fun times :)


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